1. Student Information System for the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce

The main purpose of the student information system is to enable the administrator of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce to access a student's academic information, while allowing the student to update their personal profile. Additionally, the system simplifies the task of maintaining personal records, as well as academic records such as course enrollment, examination results, and overall grade point average (OGPA).

Read the Full Description Here

Technologies: Laravel(v8), MySQL, HTML,CSS,Boostrap

Hosted: https://apps.maco.jfn.ac.lk

Duration: 1 Year


2. Student Enrollment System for the University of Jaffna.

The purpose of the Student Enrollment System is to facilitate undergraduate enrollment at the University of Jaffna. This system enables students to enroll for their desired program and assists the admission branch of the university in receiving and processing enrollment applications, followed by sending acknowledgements to the students. Once enrolled, the system also allows the admission branch to assign registration and index numbers to each student. Furthermore, the system provides a flexible reporting function, allowing the admission branch to filter and generate reports according to their specific needs.

Read the Full Description Here

Technologies: Laravel(v8), MySQL, HTML,CSS,Boostrap

Hosted: https://sis.jfn.ac.lk

Duration: 6 Months